Donations matched to save the MBTA

Protect the MBTA — our best law for birds. Become a monthly donor.

Limited time only: Your first three gifts matched. Offer ends Sunday at midnight!

Your strong and steady support will power Audubon’s best work for birds — including our suit to stop the administration from gutting the MBTA.

Audubon is a top-rated charity and your donation will be securely processed
The National Audubon Society is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our federal tax ID number is 13-1624102.

Roseate Spoonbill.

Match challenge now: Your monthly donation helps secure an important matching gift!

Why give monthly?

  • It's flexible. You can change or cancel at any time, without obligation.
  • It's convenient. One transaction sustains our bird-saving work year-round.
  • It makes you a member. You get all the benefits of belonging, including our award-winning magazine.
  • It makes you a friend birds can depend on. You'll help build a strong foundation for Audubon's vital efforts—protecting birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow.

What America's Birds Face Now

Climate change
endangers nearly half of all North American birds

The federal agenda
guts support for conservation and clean energy programs

Critical landscapes for birds are at risk from
development and drilling


For more than 100 years, Audubon has embraced the mission of protecting birds and the places they need. Your gift funds a well-integrated program of science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. Your support lets us stand up for birds, defending the clean air, clean water, healthy habitat, and stable climate they—and we all—require.

“I love birds and am grateful for Audubon's conservation and protection efforts.”

— Kris R., friend of Audubon

“I look to Audubon as a leader in the fight against climate change.”

— Stefan J., monthly supporter

“No other organization does the work Audubon does. It’s very well rounded and well run.”

— Julia A., member of Audubon

Frequently Asked Questions

Photos from top: Mary Lundeberg/Audubon Photography Awards; Lin Teichman/Audubon Photography Awards