Today: Donations matched for new sustainers

Fight for the MBTA with your monthly gift

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is our country’s best bird law—and the administration is putting it at desperate risk.

Your monthly donation gives us strength we can depend on through the fight to uphold it. And today your first three gifts are matched!

Audubon is a top-rated charity and your donation will be securely processed
The National Audubon Society is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our federal tax ID number is 13-1624102. Gifts will be used for our general fund to help protect birds and places they need.

Great Egret.

Stand up for birds. Power our best work to protect them.

Why give monthly?

  • It's flexible. You can change or cancel at any time, without obligation.
  • It's convenient. One transaction sustains our bird-saving work year-round.
  • It makes you a member. You get all the benefits of belonging, including our award-winning magazine.
  • It makes you a friend birds can depend on. You'll help build a strong foundation for Audubon's vital efforts—protecting birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow.

Photos from top: Veryl Witmer/Audubon Photography Awards; Lin Teichman/Audubon Photography Awards